Visit to St John Kronstadt Chapel - 04/29/08

Father George Larin, Matushka Catherine Larin, Matushka Irene Gorsky, Mrs. Marie Zaporoshan, Mr. Kirill Zaporoshan, Mrs. Anastasia Lopoukhine and Mr. Serge R. Lopoukhine visited with Father Vadim Arefiev at his St. John of Kronstadt Chapel in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn.

We were warmly met by 15-20 parishioners. We celebrated Vespers together in the chapel after which a communal meal was shared. Father George Larin led a talk about Saint John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Fransisco.

Father Vadim shows a rock that was thrown during Paschal Liturgy through the window into the altar by a drunken man.
Father George Larin singing Vesperal hymns
Father Vadim celebrating Bright Tuesday vespers
Visitors and parishioners in the chapel.
Fathers Vadim and Larin in discussion
Paschal meal
Father Vadim's helpers.
Father George Larin in the chapel.
Preparing for vespers
Preparing for vespers
The chapel.
Vesper services
Vesper services.